Executive Coaching and mentoring because leadership matters

Pelios is an executive coaching and mentoring practice for senior leaders. We enable individuals, team and organisations to realise their potential through a pragmatic empowering approach that is tailored to your needs.

about us

The three Pelios founders offer a diverse range of skills and expertise. We come from leadership roles within world class businesses and organisations. Between us, we have worked across commerce, strategy, entrepreneurship, consulting, mental health and psychological wellbeing. And our coaching practice is informed by that wealth of experience. 

A cornerstone of our bespoke coaching offer is building emotional intelligence for individuals, teams and organisations.

We are certified emotional intelligence practitioners and accredited by either the EMCC or ICF and are bound by their code of ethics.

If you are committed and want results,
Pelios is right for you

Pelios guides clients towards a better understanding and management of their own emotions as well as those of their team and organisation. Executive coaching and mentoring with a focus on emotional intelligence will benefit a wide range of individuals in various professional and personal contexts. We thrive in working with senior leaders who are already successful in their chosen field and who are looking for that additional element that will propel them to even greater success.

Developing greater emotional intelligence requires a high level of openness, honesty and self-reflection. The Pelios process will also challenge some of the assumptions and preconceptions to unlock additional dimensions for development. Those individuals that come with an open mind, are keen to engage and committed to achieve levels of performance beyond expectations, are the ones that will benefit the most from our interventions.

The results we achieve are also tangible. In addition to objectives agreed up front, our clients realise additional concrete results. These span from accelerated promotion, improved mental and physical health, greater retention, enhanced team performance, higher quality personnel hiring.

Pelios is an executive coaching and mentoring practice for senior leaders.


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